
A global pandemic.

A global pandemic will define the overall theme of the convention, spawning four consecutively erupting crises.

With four crises.

As the pandemic ravages global health, these additional crises threaten global stability, unless they are resolved promptly by delegates. The details of each crisis will be unveiled as the convention progresses.

The world is on the edge of collapse. Delegates from every corner of the globe must now work together to resolve all four crises and turn us all back from the brink of disaster.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to fight against this pandemic and its aftermath. Do anything in your power to put this to a stop. Dear delegate, we wish you the best of luck.

Delegates play as blocs from all across the world, each fighting their own battles in the pandemic while the future of the world at large is threatened.

Delegates engage in international discussion through a variety of formats as they battle the four global crises.

Dear Delegates, we wish you the best of luck.