Dr Mario Piacentini
Senior Analyst, OECD PISA

Keynote Title: The importance of transversal competencies to success in the real world for young leaders
The constantly-evolving global landscape, particularly in the aftermath of COVID-19, makes transversal competencies
such Global Competence (PISA, 2018) and Creativity (PISA, 2021) crucial for young leaders seeking to make an impact
in the real world. This is especially so when international collaboration, always necessary but needed now more than
ever, demands such capacities.

About the Speaker
Dr Piacentini is the Senior Analyst leading the work on the PISA assessments of transversal, 21st-century skills. He is the lead author of the frameworks for the PISA 2018 assessment of Global Competence and for the PISA 2021 assessment of Creative Thinking. He also authored several PISA analytical reports, including the first report on the well-being of students. Dr Piacentini joined the OECD in 2009 as a Young Professional. Before moving to the PISA team in April 2015, he worked for the Public Governance Directorate and the Statistics Directorate of the OECD, the University of Geneva and the World Bank. Dr Piacentini has contributed to several large OECD and inter-agency projects on gender and well-being, and led the definition and development of international indicators on metropolitan areas, inequality, entrepreneurship and trade. He holds a PhD in economics from the University of Geneva.