Prof Yeo Kiat Seng
Assoc Provost, Research and International Relations (SUTD)

Keynote Title: Creating Opportunities and Values In Disruptions
The COVID-19 crisis will spur a rethinking of our economic models, changing industries dramatically. While the relevance of existing jobs as well as traditional universities, technologies and industries seem to be under threat, the recent disruptions have also created fresh opportunities to redefine societal values and beliefs.

Importantly, collaboration between university and industry will begin to take on novel forms, evermore forging opportunities for new frontiers, ideas, knowledge and growth areas.

What are the challenges of post-COVID-19 era? How does it affect our higher education, economy and industry? What are the next big things? What skill-sets and attributes are necessary to succeed post-COVID-19?

This keynote will attempt to answer these very questions by exploring the modality of collaboration and providing insight into the future of higher education and work.

About the Speaker
Professor YEO Kiat Seng (M’00–SM’09–F’16) received the B.Eng. (EE) in 1993, and Ph.D. (EE) in 1996 both from Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Currently, he is Associate Provost for Research and International Relations at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). Professor Yeo is a widely known authority in low-power RF/mm-wave IC design and a recognized expert in CMOS technology. He was a Member of Board of Advisors of the Singapore Semiconductor Industry Association. Before his appointment at SUTD, he was Associate Chair (Research), Head of Division of Circuits and Systems and Founding Director of VIRTUS of the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at NTU. He has published 9 books, 7 book chapters, over 600 international top-tier refereed journal and conference papers and holds 38 patents. Professor Yeo holds/held key positions in many international conferences as Advisor, General Chair, Co-General Chair and Technical Chair. He was awarded the Public Administration Medal (Bronze) on National Day 2009 by the President of the Republic of Singapore and the Nanyang Alumni Achievement Award in 2009 for his outstanding contributions to the university and society. Professor Yeo is an IEEE Fellow for his contributions to low-power integrated circuit design.